Flexitanks vs ISO Tanks Which is Better

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Flexitanks and ISO tanks are both used to transport bulk liquids. Both are designed to hold the same amount of liquid, but there are some key differences between them that you should consider before making a decision.

Flexitanks: Flexitanks are made from flexible materials such as rubber or plastic, which allows them to expand or contract depending on how much liquid is inside. Because they are made from a flexible material and not metal like ISO tanks, they are lighter and easier to handle during shipping than their rigid counterparts – but this also means that they cannot withstand as much pressure without exploding. (which may cause damage). Also unlike ISO tanks, there are no regulations regarding how long flexitanker company employees need to handle these vessels during loading and unloading operations; this means there may be fewer regulations regarding health & safety protocols when working around these containers (as they are not considered hazardous materials).


Flexitank capacity is usually measured in cubic meters, while ISO tanks are measured in cubic feet. A standard ISO 20′ tank can hold up to 8,000 gallons (30 m3) of liquid, while an ISO 40′ tank holds 16,000 gallons (60 m3). A standard 40′ flexitank holds up to 30,000 gallons (113 m3).

While both types of tanks take up roughly the same amount of space when empty and full respectively – about 4 feet by 8 feet – the differences between them become apparent when used as part of your shipping process: The greater the volume capacity you need for the shipment You, the greater the likelihood that using an ISO container will be more cost effective than renting several smaller units.

Hazardous materials

In the case of hazardous materials, Flexitanks and ISO tanks can be used. However, there are some differences in what you can transport in each type of container.

Flexitank: Flexitank is designed to be used as a bulk liquid shipping container for non-hazardous products only (i.e., products that do not pose a hazard to human health or the environment). It is not designed to transport hazardous materials such as acids or flammable liquids, so if you need one of these types of products shipped anywhere, you will need another type of tank (such as an ISO Tank).

ISO Tank: In contrast to the Flexitank’s limited ability to transport hazardous substances such as acids or flammable liquids—and although more expensive—the ISO Tank has been designed specifically for this purpose; therefore it is ideal if your business needs something that is strong enough to safely handle this type of material but also affordable enough that everyone can afford it!

Packaging Requirements

Flexitanks is a little more flexible when it comes to packaging requirements. They can be shipped in a variety of containers, including:

  • ISO tanks
  • Drums and IBCs (intermediate bulk containers)
  • Bulk liquid tankers (BLTs)

There are some differences in packaging requirements for each type of container. For example, if you use ISO tanks or drums/IBCs to ship products, you must purchase additional dunnage around the product to ensure it does not shift during transit. The amount of dunnage required will depend on how much space there is between the liquid level inside your Flexitank and the base–this distance varies depending on the type of product being shipped and how heavy the product is.


Flexitank costs are lower than ISO tank costs. The reason is because flexible containers can be used to ship bulk liquids, whereas rigid ones cannot. There are many factors that determine how much you will pay for each type of bulk liquid shipping container.

One example is if you need to purchase a new container because your current container was damaged or lost during transit, then this will be more expensive than purchasing a new Flexitank as it is not specifically designed for shipping purposes. Additionally, if any damage occurs to your shipment during transport then it may require additional repairs before it can be used again which may increase costs further depending on how serious the repairs need to be to be repaired properly again (this can include things like replacing panels broken glass).

Environmental impact

The environmental impact of shipping fluids in flexitank and ISO tanks is an important consideration. Both options have their pros and cons, but in general, flexitanks are much more sustainable than ISO tanks.

Flexitank shipping containers are made from recycled plastic, meaning they do not require new raw materials to produce. They also require less energy to produce than ISO tanks because they are lighter weight and require

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